Jan 23, 2016

Runner's log 01/21-22/16

Thursday, January 21/16
Ran with marathon group outside- 5km in 40 minutes. Although I was pleased with this, it was freaking hard and a big bad dose of reality hit. How on earth am I going to accomplish 22km? I whined and complained and basically spilled my nerves all over the place. I was obnoxious to run with.

Friday, January 22/16
Laughed about a running clinic that costs $300 with marathon group. We will muddle through clinic free. An evening walk- 6km in 60 minutes. Picked up bottles and enjoyed being outside. Worked at calming myself the heck down. I won't die. I won't come in first. I might come in last, and all will be well.

Happy little side note- participated in a fitbit challenge this week (workweek hustle), and came out on top! I'm not fast, but I'm getting somewhere. Average around 13k steps a day.

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